My latest obsessions…

Today, I’ve decided to share some of my current obsessions because I think they’re so great that you should enjoy and obsess over them too! (And as you’re probably figuring out, I really love lists.)

1. Vaseline Lip Therapy Cocoa Butter

vaseline lip therapy

All year-round, but especially in the winter months, I feel like I can’t put on enough chapstick. I’ve tried all different types of lip moisturizers and this is the first one that I feel like actually helps treat my [extremely] chapped lips. I LOVE IT. It is kind of hard to find, though. I looked at several drug stores and finally found it at Walmart in the lotion aisle right next to the big tub of regular vaseline. It is small, but you don’t need to use much! I think they had a plain version as well, but I opted for the cocoa butter one.

2. Unite Luxury Argan Oil

Unite Luxury Argan Oil

My awesome hair girl, Bethany Gunn at Revel Eight Salon & Spa, recommended this to me and I’m obsessed. I use it every day. I know Moroccan Oil has been huge recently, and I admit, I’ve never tried it, but this stuff rocks! Revel Eight sells everything made by Unite, but I’m sure you could also find this online. I have fine hair, so I just use one pump and it really helps nourish and protect my hair, while preventing frizz and decreasing blow dry time. Sounds crazy, but it really works! If you have some left over on your hands after applying, I like to rub it all over my body. That’s right, it’s great for your skin too! This is a little bit of a splurge, but (for me) it lasts quite a while! Obviously, this depends on how much you use.

Side note: If you are in the Oklahoma City area, you need to check out Revel Eight and Bethany Gunn! You can call the salon to make an appointment with Bethany.

3. Smoothies

How To - smoothies

I used to not love smoothies because I’m weird about textures and I don’t like things that are too mushy or creamy. But, recently I decided to give them another chance and I’m so glad I did! Smoothies are a great way to get some more fruit and protein into your diet! I love just eating raw fruit too, but sometimes fresh produce can be expensive, so the frozen fruit is a better option (unsweetened, of course). Plus, I hate to admit it, but sometimes I can’t eat all of the produce I buy before it goes bad, so freezing it is a way to make it last longer. (Lately, I buy the bag of bananas that the grocery story sells for really cheap because they’re either “bad” or about to go bad, and then peel them and freeze them in ziplocs until I’m ready to use them. They last me forever! Last time I got 17 bananas for under $2.50!!!) Another great thing about smoothies is you can sneak in some extra veggies and you won’t even have to taste them! I happen to enjoy spinach anyway, but when you add it to smoothies you don’t really taste it, so if it’s not your thing, this is great for you! I also like to add things like chia seeds, protein powder, greek yogurt, and almond milk to my smoothies. There are a ton of great recipes on pinterest, but honestly I don’t really use recipes. I just use what I have, and I haven’t had a bad one yet! I think the above diagram is helpful for beginner smoothie makers.

4. Disney World


I have never been to Disney World. When I was little, we lived in California, so I have been to Disneyland a few times, but never Disney World. Disney was pretty much my childhood. I feel like I grew up with Disney. My mom says that when I was little, my siblings and I would sit and watch the movies over and over again for hours and hours and days and days. Certain movies even remind me of certain times, kind of like music can. I remember watching Beauty and the Beast a ton when my sister was in the hospital after kidney surgery because it had just come out on VHS. Even though most people think of Disney as for kids, I’m still a big fan of Disney! I saw Frozen twice in theaters recently and listen to the sound track pretty regularly on Spotify at work.

One of my favorite things about being an adult is traveling. Whenever I want (assuming I can get off work), I can go wherever I want with whoever I want, obviously assuming I can afford it. I love traveling so much that I save and save to be able to do it as often as possible! Soooo you can imagine how excited I am that three weeks from today I will be on my way to the most magical place on earth! Yes, I’m talking about Disney World. This ended up being kind of a last minute trip, so I’ve had to learn a ton about all things Disney World pretty quickly. There are so many things to know – from the resorts, to the dining, to park tickets and fast passes, the list goes on and on! Because I’m a little bit nuts when it comes to planning, I quickly decided which park I would be going to on each day and then got reservations at some of the best (according to my research) restaurants. Even though I haven’t set foot at Disney World, all of the planning has already got me scheming about how to go back! RunDisney may be in my future… You can definitely expect to hear more about my trip upon my return!

I hope you enjoyed my latest obsessions! Happy Friday!!!

Me Time

Every once in a while it’s nice to slow down from the craziness that is life and relax. A little me time is good for the soul. Everyone has different ideas of what relaxing or me time is, but here are a few of my favorite things to do.

I’m not sure I’ve mentioned this yet or not, but I love wine. My dad has definitely referred to me as “the wino of the family” on multiple occasions, which is funny because at all family gatherings he’s right there with me! Ha! Anyway, a glass of wine is almost always a part of my me time. The exception would be if I’m laying by the pool, then I may substitute a margarita (one of my other favorites). Maybe in the future I’ll dedicate a whole post to margarita recipes!

Back to me time…

Another thing I enjoy doing for me time is pampering myself. This could be as simple as painting my nails at home, or getting a massage. Since I’m on a pretty tight budget lately (due to my upcoming Disney World trip and having to get two new bumpers on my car.. don’t ask), I tend to go for the do-it-yourself spa treatments. Here is a face mask recipe I found on Pinterest. I’m pretty sure you’re not allowed to take a normal picture when you have what looks like mud on your face…


2 Tbsp honey
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
Mix the ingredients. Apply to clean face for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water. 
For me, this made enough for 2 applications of the mask. Be careful not to get it too thick when applying. Some dripped off of my face and onto my shirt while I was waiting for the 30 minutes! 

Another thing I like to do for me time is run. Yes, I admit it. I seem to have caught the running bug. I now feel like my day is incomplete if I have not squeezed in a run or a little workout of some sort. Believe me, you won’t understand until you have it. I know this sounds corny, but what I love about running is that it’s such a great time to just think – about stress, work, life, family, goals, really anything!

The great thing about me time is that you can do whatever you like! Read, cook, bake, craft, nap, light your favorite candle, take a bubble bath, watch a movie, write blog posts .. whatever tickles your fancy! Now, I encourage you! Take some time from your busy schedule this week, just for you! You won’t regret it!