Workout Accessories

As I’m sure you’ve gathered from all of my past running posts, I really enjoy working out. And yes, I’ll always enjoy running but I also enjoy body pump, Pilates, yoga, core classes and even hiking, and water and snow skiing. Whether I’m hopping on the elliptical for 30 minutes or taking a body pump class at my gym, a good sweat session is good, not only for the body, but for the mind and soul.

I recently signed up for my second half marathon. Yep, I’m doing it again! This time at Disney World!!! I am beyond excited to combine two of my favorite things! Plus, what better excuse to go back to Disney World?! Needless to say, this is the inspiration for this post. Obviously different types of workouts require different types of gear and accessories, but today I’m going to share with you some of my personal faves.

1. Yurbuds
No, this is not a typo. Yurbuds are the world’s best ear buds, in my opinion. They are a little pricey, ranging anywhere from $30 to $60 (for the type I like), but they are oh so worth it. The company was founded by a triathlete and a marathoner, who, I’m sure, are very aware of ear bud issues. They can be uncomfortable, fall out, etc. They designed the shape of Yurbuds specifically for athletes and it allows them to sort of lock into you ears and not fall out, even with all the bouncing around while you’re running. Yurbuds are also sweat proof! I’ve always had trouble finding earbuds I liked until my dad suggested these to me. Yurbuds definitely take the cake in the ear bud category!


Shout out to my Nona and Grandpa for my current aqua ‘Inspire Pro for Women’ Yurbuds that I got for my birthday! Tate ate my old pink ones the week after my half marathon. I guess he was done with me leaving him to go run all of the time! Haha!

2. Shoe Insoles
Once I committed to my first half marathon last spring, I knew I needed to get the best running shoes. Everyone has different types of shoes they prefer for running, my personal favorites being Asics, but even more important than the shoes are the insoles.

When I decided to invest in some good running shoes, I went to a local running shop called Red Coyote. They have this really cool set up where they have you run barefoot (it was so weird) on a treadmill and they videoed your feet from behind. Then, you get off and they slow down the video and analyze how your feet are hitting the treadmill while you run. This is when I discovered that I slightly roll my arches while running. Without the proper insoles, running could become very painful, especially on my knees and ankles. Early on in my training for my first half, I accidentally wore my old running shoes (purchased before my Red Coyote experience) that did not have my insoles. I only ran 4 miles in the old shoes, but wow did I notice a huge difference! By the end, my knees were really hurting, which rarely happens with my insoles. So, for obvious reasons, I am now a big believer in making sure you have the proper support you need in a shoe.

My insoles are ‘Berry’ made by Super Feet, but I’m sure you could find some at any running store.


Another random running shoe tip that I learned at Red Coyote is to buy your running shoes a half size bigger. This is because when you run, especially longer distances, your feet expand. I can only imagine all of the blisters that could be caused by a smaller shoe!

3. Apparel
This one I feel like I can’t classify as a necessity, however I find that I am so much more excited and motivated to workout when I have cute workout clothes. Silly, I know, but it’s true! I used to always work out in my “college uniform,” aka Nike tempo running shorts and oversized tshirts, but I’ve learned that the softer and lighter materials used for workout clothes really make you more comfortable while working out.

There is a Nike outlet not too far down the road, so I first took my search for workout apparel there. I found a few things but I didn’t go crazy because I realized that even at an outlet store, workout clothes can add up quickly! I got by for quite a while, only adding a few tops and leggings to my workout wardrobe.

This summer, Andrew told me about a company called Fabletics. It is a monthly subscription as well as an online store for workout apparel. Kate Hudson is one of the co-founders. After researching it further, I decided to sign up. The difference between Fabletics and other monthly subscriptions is that you don’t just pay a flat rate and then they send you whatever. Fabletics has you take a quiz when you sign up about what types of workouts you do, etc. and then they give you outfit options each month. On the 1st of the month, you receive an email with your outfit options (along with their prices) for that month. The outfits tend to run about $50 each. You make your selection by the 5th of the month, or you can opt out of that month. If you opt out, you do not pay. This is what enticed me to sign up. I think it’s cool, but I probably don’t need a new $50 outfit each month. But, knowing I can keep my membership and just opt out from time to time is really nice.

So far, I’ve been nothing but pleased with my outfits. The first one fit perfectly, and I love it! It was only $30 because when you join, the first one is half off! You can’t beat $30 for a bra, leggings AND a cute workout top!


My 1st Fabletics outfit.

The next one’s top and bra were a little big, so I just sent them back for a smaller size, no extra charge to me. It was super easy and I had my replacements in no time!


My 2nd Fabletics outfit.

One of my friends did say that they tend to run out of colors and sizes pretty quickly and since they do a new line each month, they don’t replenish their stock. So, if you decide to join, I’d recommend picking your outfit as soon as you get your email on the 1st.

Here is a link if you want to join Fabletics:

If you have any questions about any of my suggestions, don’t hesitate to ask!

I promise, none of these companies paid me to say any of this. (I wish!) These are completely my personal opinions that I formed after using all of these products.

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